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US Patent US 11,536,450 Β1 Canadian Patent Pending
Available Options: Wireless Remote, Phone App, Wall Switch, Solar Powered
This device allows the user to clean the ash from the chimney at the same time as they clean the ash from the wood burning device, ie. wood stove, fireplace, or fireplace insert, just by pushing a remote button. This will prevent the need for messy and costly chimney sweeping and eliminate hazardous chimney fires. A full cleaning takes approximately 10 seconds.
This device permanently attaches to any chimney cap and holds a cable that spins at a high rate of speed to clean the chimney pipe. The centrifugal force pulls the cable hard against the inside wall of the pipe and scraps it clean. The ash falls down into the wood burning device where it can be removed along with the rest of the ash.The motor is variable speed so it can be tuned to each different pipe size and length. The Power Chimney Sweep is turned on with a wireless remote button, phone app, or hard wired wall switch.

The unit requires no maintenance. However, it's recommended that a visual inspection of the system be done at least once a year. This is too assure the speed is tuned too optimal performance.
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Stovepipe must be round, no oval pipes.
Stovepipe must be metal.
Stovepipe must be free of damage or screws. (smooth surface).
No elbows greater than 45 deg.
No more than two elbows.
Not recommended for mobile homes.
Stovepipes up to 8" in diameter.
This Is How It Works
Two years were spent determining the proper combination of components, materials, and configuration in order to get this system functional and dependable. Four years total in development. You can be confident this product will perform for many years to come. Price point is $250. That's about the cost of one professional cleaning. That gives a 400% mark-up. Market research indicates a huge demand for this product, with no competitors. There is no other way found to do a hands-free cleaning. This product deserves a company with the network and resources to do a massive campaign.
Every year chimney fires result in hundreds of deaths, thousands of injuries, and hundreds of millions in property damage. This product will greatly minimize these. We would expect insurance underwriters requiring it on the buildings they cover.
The retail cost to produce this product is around $50. It will be much less if done in quantity. The price point is $250. That's the average cost of one professional chimney cleaning.

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